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Sacred Space Spiritual Group

A free, unincorporated, fluid spiritual group open to all beliefs. We seek spiritual growth and development through sharing, discussion, workshop exploration, meditation and healing work.

Our group’s spiritual foundation: The group is non-denominational in that we do not prescribe to a particular dogma. It is multi-denominational in that people from many beliefs participate. We honor each individual’s right to a connection with a Higher Power, God, Divine Spirit, Creator of their own understanding and name. The purpose of our group is to grow spiritually and to explore or deepen our connection with that Divine Spirit, God, or Energy as we understand and call it. We do so in our services through guided meditation and Reiki healing. Our goal is to become more loving human beings and to practice this love and spirituality in our daily lives. It is our hope that group members extend their personal spiritual ministries into the community as they see fit.

Our group’s composition and membership:We have a fluid membership, open to all who are drawn to participate. At any given time you might find Christians, Agnostics, Buddhists, Native Americans, Wiccans, Jews, Muslims, Free Spirits and any other group (or non-group) participating in our discussions, meditations or healing sessions. There are no membership fees although we pass the basket to cover room rental fees for our meetings/services.

Our Services:We began by meeting in member's homes, moved to SPOT Coffee, then Colgate Divinity School.  Our group continued to grow so we currently rent space 84 Scio St. in downtown Rochester. It's a beautiful, quiet and spiritual space in which to hold healing and meditation services. If you are interested in attending our services, please drop me a line and I will provide dates and directions. It is helpful to me to know who will be attending as I try to ensure an adequate number of healers.


Healers: Rev. Kris, Rev. Pamela, Rev. Barb, Reverend Cathleen, Jan, several other Reiki Masters,  and students of Reiki serve as our volunteer healers. 

Our Leadership: Reverend Kris Miller presides over the group’s spiritual affairs. Reverend Cathleen Brauen is our Associate Minister. An Advisory Board makes recommendations on behalf of the group. If you are interested in serving on the board, please let us know.


How we give service:

Several Sacred Space Spiritual Group members are volunteer healers for the Distant Healing Network. This is one of many ways our members give service. Members also volunteer with varied community organizations or work one on one with others as a way to "pay it forward." 

Rev. Cathleen and I provide a monthly spiritual service to residents at the Gran Vie Memory care Unit.  We also offer low cost spiritual workshops. Please visit our website Opening and Awakening to the Spiritually Sacred Retreats.

 Life is the School Love is the Lesson  We are all students ~ We are all teachers.


Please join us on our journey.