Marriage is a commitment not to be entered into lightly. I have researched, interviewed couples and professionals to determine commmon problem areas.and developed a list topics for discussion for couples considering marriage. Booked couples can access these discussion topics after they receive the password to the Reserved Section of the website.
If you feel you would benefit by some spiritual guidance through these topics, I am happy to meet with you or you can seek out a professional couple's therapist.
Begin with some self reflection. How committed are you to entering in to an exclusive partnership? Love alone does not always guarantee a successful relationship. Awareness, willingness, acceptance and effort are also required. Are there behaviors that you need to work on and how much effort are you willing to expend to do so right now? Is there a “pet peeve” that you have about the other but think the other person will change after marriage? Decide now if you can live with it….they may never change!
Problems will arise in any relationship. Ignoring them does not make them go away, nor does nagging or harping on them. Joint problems require joint solutions. Please take the time to access the questions and discuss them.
If other officiants would like use these topics in their counseling services, they may contact me for a copy. I respectfully request that they acknowledge the source.The list of topics was developed using my own experience and research and after speaking with many couples and professionals.
If you feel you would benefit by some spiritual guidance through these topics, I am happy to meet with you or you can seek out a professional couple's therapist.
Begin with some self reflection. How committed are you to entering in to an exclusive partnership? Love alone does not always guarantee a successful relationship. Awareness, willingness, acceptance and effort are also required. Are there behaviors that you need to work on and how much effort are you willing to expend to do so right now? Is there a “pet peeve” that you have about the other but think the other person will change after marriage? Decide now if you can live with it….they may never change!
Problems will arise in any relationship. Ignoring them does not make them go away, nor does nagging or harping on them. Joint problems require joint solutions. Please take the time to access the questions and discuss them.
If other officiants would like use these topics in their counseling services, they may contact me for a copy. I respectfully request that they acknowledge the source.The list of topics was developed using my own experience and research and after speaking with many couples and professionals.