If desired, once
the bride arrives a question can be asked-such as "Who presents
this woman to be married to this man?" (Additional options can be
foundin the Reserved for Booked Couples
Once everyone has made their entrance, the ceremony opens with a welcome to all those in attendance and a brief acknowledgement of what is about to transpire. An optional acknowledgement can be made of loved ones who have passed, who are present in spirit, close in your hearts, or blessing the ceremony.
Couples whose choose a religious or spiritual ceremony often decide to include a prayer asking God, a Higher Power, Divine Energy or Spirit to bless the ceremony and the marriage. This might be a well known prayer that guests may participate in or a more universal prayer spoken only by the minister.
We are gathered
here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, to
recognize the worth and beauty of love, and to cherish the words
which shall unite ____________ and ____________ in
Friends and
relatives, we have come here today at the invitation of __________
and __________ to share in the joy of their wedding. This outward
celebration is an expression of the inner love and devotion they
have in their hearts toward one another.
Good evening to
all friends and family. ________ and ______have asked me to thank
you all for coming from distances both near and far to be a part of
this special day.
With the horizon our only walls, the sky our only ceiling and the earth our floor, we meet here in nature to affirm the love of ______ and _____.
Sample Openings that include God or a Higher Power:
_____________and ___________have asked me to formally welcome you to the celebration of their love on this wedding day. It is their hope that this day will help bring us all closer together. Those who chose can use this ceremony as an opportunity to renew their own commitment to their partnership or marriage. We welcome the Divine as the source of all Love
Dearly Beloved: We are gathered here, in the presence of God and of this company, that ______ and ______ may be united in holy matrimony. We ask God’s blessing on this commitment, both today and in the days to come.
Thank you for joining us today to celebrate the marriage of ___________and ___________. The family and close friends who are present have supported and blessed them along the way. This ceremony was created by _____and _____ to express their love and commitment for each other and to thank you and God for always being there for them.
Good evening to all friends and family. ________ and ______have asked me to thank you all for coming from distances both near and far to be a part of this special day. Let us open this sacred event with a prayer (prayer of your choice)
Optional prayer
examples: Choose one of these or any traditional or non traditional
prayer of your choice.
God, who
gives us the longing for, and capability of loving, we give you
thanks for ___ and _____, for their open hearts and willing
spirits, and for the example of love that they embody here in our
presence. Be with them on this joyous occasion of showing their
love and making their vows; and be with us, their witnesses, that
we may all be changed by what is said and witnessed
“Wedding Gifts”
by Katherine Murphy
Grant us O Lord, the gift of words, Kind and loving words that
communicate and encourage, words of wisdom from you.
Grant us O Lord, the gift of attention, rapt listening to the needs
of one another and the casting aside of all focus on
Grant us O Lord, the gift of acceptance, the ability to recognize
our differences and see in one another the unique person you
Grant us O Lord, the gift of patience, not only with each other as
we grow and change but to know that all good things come in your
Grant us O Lord, the greatest of all the gifts, Love – on this day
and always – as we join together in the sacred union of
"A Wedding
Prayer" by Robert Lewis Stevenson
Lord, behold
our families here assembled.
We thank you for the place where we dwell.
For the love that unites us,
For the peace accorded us this day.
For the hope with which we greet the morrow,
For the health, the work, the food.
For the
bright skies that make our lives delightful;
And for our
friends in all parts of the earth.
A Wedding
Prayer of Love by Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro.
Dear God, You
have brought this couple together that they might risk the joys and
sorrows of love. They have said “yes” to You and to each other. We
now ask that You bless them with love and compassion, righteousness
and truth. Guide them in the ways of deep and loving friendship
that they may forever cherish, honor, uphold and sustain each other
and the divine image that is our deepest self.
Translation of "Our Father" directly from the Aramaic into
English (rather than from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to
O cosmic Birther
of all radiance and vibration! Soften the ground of our being and
carve out a space within us where your Presence can abide. Fill us
with your creativity so that we may be empowered to bear the fruit
of your mission. Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance
with our desire. Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what
each being needs to grow and flourish. Untie the tangled threads of
destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of
past mistakes. Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert
us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the
present moment. For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the
birth-power and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once
A Blessing for The Journey (Buddhist Prayer)
Let us vow to bear witness to the wholeness of life, realizing the completeness of each and every thing. Embracing our differences, I shall know myself as you, and you as myself. May we serve each other for all our days, here, there, and everywhere.
Let us vow to open ourselves to the abundance of life. Freely giving and receiving, I shall care for you, for the trees and stars, as treasures of my very own. May we be grateful for all our days, here, there, and everywhere.
Let us vow to forgive all hurt,caused by ourselves and others, and to never condone hurtful ways. Being responsible for my actions, I shall free myself and you. Will you free me, too? May we be kind for all our days, here, there, and everywhere.
Let us vow to remember that all that appears will disappear. In the midst of uncertainty, I shall sow love.
Here! Now! I call to you: Let us together live The Great Peace that we are. May we give no fear for all our days, here, there, and everywhere.
-- Sensei Wendy Egyoku Nakao
Invocation of the Elements
May the gentle breeze bear witness to this ceremony, and carry its message to all lands
May the sun warm their hearts, and its ever-burning fire fuel their desire for each other
May the lake provide for them from its bounty, and comfort their souls with their sounds
May the earth lend its strength, and reveal its mysteries.
Including/honoring those who have passed in the opening:
_________and ________ have asked me to thank you all for coming from distances both near and far to be a part of this special day. They would also like to acknowledge those loved ones who have passed, who are present in spirit, blessing this ceremony. or They would also like to acknowledge those loved ones who have passed, who are always close in their hearts.
Sometimes couples choose to have the departed mentioned by name or in their program. Others have a memory table with candles and photos. (Candles are either already lit or lit as part of the opening and acknowledged.) Some place a rose on the empty seat where the deceased would have sat. Others include their favorite poem or verse as a reading..