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Gali and Nathan were married under a Chuppahon the beautiful grounds of Webster Arboretum. The ceremony also included a blessing of the wine and breaking of the glass.

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To add a bit of humor to the traditional glass breaking in Stacy and Andrew's wedding at the Senator's Mansion, these words were spoken:
"Please join me in saying Mazel Tov after Andrew gets to put his foot down for the first and the last time.

Shari and Andrew were married at Webster Golf.  Their ceremony included a Ketubah and breaking of the glass.  In addition to these lovely traditions they had some not so traditional elements -like KISS jack-o-lanterns!



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Jay and Mariah were married in Lamberton Conservatory in Highland Park. Their ceremony included readings by both mothers and an aunt, a Unity Candle Ceremony, reading of Sheva Brachot (Seven Blessings) in Hebrew and English,   Breaking of the Glass, and a toast to the couple.