Connie and Brett honored commonly known and openly shared Native American traditions in the wedding ceremony they created. Held at Snug Harbor in Hammondsport, guests were smudged as they entered the circle, to the accompaniment of original sacred flute music by Al Cleveland. The couple began with a ceremonial washing of hands to wash away past wrongdoings and memories of past loves. Poetry and readings from a variety of tribes were shared as well as some general teachings. Integral parts of the ceremony included the wedding vase, wedding blanket and prayer stick. Rings were blessed honoring the directions and elements. Connie and Brett chose to join in marriage the same weekend that Genundowa, the festival of lights, is celebrated. Photos by Robert Gelder.


"We ask the Great Spirit to bless these rings. May they ground the wearer in the sweet Mother Earth so that Connie and Brett may be a solid support for each other in their life together. As the rings glisten in the warmth of Grandfather Sun may the wearer feel secure and loved. May they carry the wisdom of Father Sky so that issues may be resolved as gently as a feather floats in the wind. And when these rings reflect the light of Grandmother Moon may these rings reflect the power and beauty of love."

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